make my mmo

Massively Overpowered’s Make My MMO feature chronicles the adventures and misadventures of MMOs in various stages of crowdfunding. You might also be interested in Betawatch, which focuses on games in testing. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

MMO Week in Review: Skull & Bones departs drydock

Skull & Bones finally drifted into its soft launch open beta after eleventy billion delays and do-overs, and... it's actually not terrible? And it's...

Make My MMO: Zenith’s spinoff game, EVE Online’s board game Kickstarter

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! It's been pretty hoppin' for Kickstarted MMOs lately, as Elite Dangerous is...

Make My MMO: MMO crowdfunding at the top of 2024, from Ashes to Zenith

Welcome to our very first Make My MMO of 2024! When we last checked in on the crowdfunded games of our genre, we were...

Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding stories of 2023

Welcome to a special end-of-the-year edition of Make My MMO, the MassivelyOP column where we - well, I - keep tabs on all of...

Make My MMO: Wagadu Chronicles’ early access, City of Titans’ surprise patch

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Indie Afrofantasy sandbox MMORPG The Wagadu Chronicles launched into early access...

Make My MMO: Project Gorgon rebounds, Pantheon regroups

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Pantheon has fully backtracked on its plans to launch the 247 extraction...

Make My MMO: Squadron 42, Pantheon 247

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Indeed, these last few weeks have been packed with wild stories...

Make My MMO: Ship of Heroes’ demo, Pantheon’s art, Ashes of Creation’s alpha two

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Interestingly, there's actually been kind of a lot of nice forward...

Make My MMO: Star Citizen is nine years late, but sure, it’s the gamers who are wrong

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Star Citizen, an alpha MMORPG Kickstarted in 2012 ahead of a planned...

Make My MMO: Loftia has generated $850K on Kickstarter so far

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Loftia is on track to be the biggest MMO Kickstarter of the...

Make My MMO: Loftia Kickstarter backers blow past $400K, unlocking pets, aquaponic farms, and more housing

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Loftia isn't due to finish out its Kickstarter until the end of...

Make My MMO: Star Citizen has zero incentive to ever launch

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! A Star Citizen player who applied for a refund finally got it...

Make My MMO: Fractured is back…tured

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Following Gamigo's end-of-2022 chaos, few gamers really ever thought we'd be seeing...

Make My MMO: In for a penny, in for a pound with Star Citizen

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Star Citizen has made headlines lately thanks to the fact that...

Make My MMO: Embers Adrift vetoes PvP, Zenith launches Skyward Summit

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! We don't often hear the word "never" from MMO developers as...

Make My MMO: Stop trying to make TitanReach aka World of Titans happen

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! The chaos still trailing behind the failed Kickstarter MMO TitanReach continued...

Make My MMO: Embers Adrift’s Forgotten Depths, Star Citizen’s forced march

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Is it a great idea to set devs to crunching for...
But this is totally going to work out, yeah.

Make My MMO: Embers Adrift’s price drop, Star Citizen’s alpha 3.18

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! While our own experience with Embers Adrift has been a bit...

Make My MMO: Embers Adrift’s new zone, Wagadu Chronicles’ next alpha

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Embers Adrift is building out a new zone: a three-tiered canyon-encrusted...

Make My MMO: Elite’s delay, Zenith’s birthday, Repopulation’s death

Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks! Kickstarted VR MMO Zenith rolled quietly into its first anniversary since...