Make My MMO: MMO crowdfunding at the top of 2024, from Ashes to Zenith


Welcome to our very first Make My MMO of 2024! When we last checked in on the crowdfunded games of our genre, we were recapping the entirety of Kickstarter MMOs in 2023, but now we’re back to our regular format to scoop up everything from the last few weeks we haven’t tackled yet!

Most notably, we gave side-eye to Star Citizen’s absurd $48,000 bundle, saw Wizard’s Wrath cancel its Kickstarter, predicted Temtem’s sunset of its spinoff competitive game, wondered what “radical changes” Embers Adrift has planned, penciled in Q3 for Ashes of Creation’s alpha 2, raised eyebrows at Camelot Unchained’s beta two plans, cheered on Project Gorgon, and witnessed Zenith admitting it’s operating at a loss.

Read on for more on what’s been up with MMO crowdfunding over the last few weeks, plus our roundup of all the crowdfunded MMOs we’re following!

Ship of Heroes

Recent MMO crowdfunding news

Embers Adrift

Campaigns and crowdfunded MMOs we’re watching

Holy crap it launched Holy crap it launched
It's launched, kinda It semi-launched?
In the development dungeons In development
It's dead, Jim Dead or abandoned
Drama bomb

Ashes of Creation

Yes, some crowdfunded MMOs most definitely do succeed. But others crash and burn, and you need to hear about the whole spectrum of games that sought your money early in exchange for the promise of input and transparency. And that’s exactly what Make My MMO does several times a month. Help us keep ’em accountable, would ya?
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