jukebox heroes

Jukebox Heroes is Justin Olivetti’s mad project to review all the MMO music in existence, one soundtrack at a time. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Jukebox Heroes: The quieter side of Lord of the Rings Online’s soundtrack

Yes, I'm kind of nuts about the Lord of the Rings Online soundtrack. It could be because I've played this MMO more than most...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Ashen Empires’ soundtrack

Originally inspired by the Ultima series, Dransik came out in the early 2000s as an isometric MMO that rode the rails of indie gaming...
Still struggling.

Jukebox Heroes: The best of EverQuest’s MIDI soundtrack

I've always felt that MIDI tunes were to computers what chiptunes were to 8-bit and 16-bit consoles. Before storage media expanded and technology increased...

Jukebox Heroes: Six great Runes of Magic tunes

Welcome back to Jukebox Heroes, the column that dares you to close your eyes and unplug your ears. Well, after you're done reading this...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of SWTOR’s launch soundtrack

I got so excited when Star Wars: The Old Republic included its soundtrack in the collector's edition back at launch. However, we all discovered...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Granado Espada’s soundtrack

So here's an impossible task that lies before me right now: picking one musical genre that defines Granado Espada's score. I can't. It simply...

Jukebox Heroes: LOTRO’s Great Wedding soundtrack

One reason why I keep highlighting Lord of the Rings Online patch soundtracks in this space is that the studio actually makes an effort...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of MapleStory 2’s soundtrack

The death of MapleStory 2 earlier this year is seen as somewhat tragic in the Massively OP offices. Many of us got time with...
Money dollars.

Jukebox Heroes: Six great ArcheAge tunes

ArcheAge is well-known for being one of the more beautiful MMO game worlds out there, but does its music stack up in comparison? The...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Blade & Soul’s soundtrack

Pretty game, strong story focus, really not for me. That's the impression I got from dipping into Blade & Soul a few months back....
what wait what

Jukebox Heroes: Great tunes from Destiny’s first soundtrack

Is there any MMO soundtrack that arrived with such incredible expectations and baggage as Destiny? If so, I can't recall it. We have not...

Jukebox Heroes: It’s time to turn your MMO’s music back on

We're going to take a detour from our tour of various MMO soundtracks to talk about one of the most common statements I hear...

Jukebox Heroes: The ultimate guide to MMORPG music

It's been a long, strange, and wonderful journey to explore MMORPG music with you here in Jukebox Heroes. And while I am anticipating many...

Jukebox Heroes: LOTRO’s Mists of Wilderland soundtrack

Just in time for Lord of the Rings Online's Update 27, Standing Stone Games finally posted Update 26's full soundtrack to YouTube the other...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Echo of Soul’s soundtrack

Echo of Soul is one of those MMORPGs that seems doomed to languish and be tossed around from publisher to publisher until it fades...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Neo Steam’s soundtrack

While there always seems to be much love for steampunk among geeks and gamers, the setting never seems to be the catalyst to instant...

Jukebox Heroes: Lime Odyssey, Yasunori Mitsuda’s hidden gem

Even the most casual of video game soundtrack fans must know the name Yasunori Mitsuda. The legendary composer is perhaps best known for his...

Jukebox Heroes: Lord of the Rings Online’s unreleased soundtrack

Lord of the Rings Online's soundtrack is well-loved by many who have played the game, tying in memorable tunes to specific locations to where...

Jukebox Heroes: Warframe’s soundtrack

I'm always keeping an ear out for recommended soundtracks from our readers here at Massively OP, and one that seems to get pushed my...

Jukebox Heroes: Star Stable’s secretly amazing soundtrack

If we ever mention Star Stable around these parts, it's usually with a bit of tongue-in-cheek. You know, "Hee hee, horsies!" said by middle-aged...