It’s been far, far too long since I’ve dipped into Guild Wars 2’s soundtrack. I feel deeply shamed for this neglect, especially considering how much work’s been done for the Icebrood Saga OST over the past year or so.
Consider this wrong righted, because today I’m going to share with you my favorite picks from this series! You’ll notice that there aren’t a lot of them, which is due to most of the tracks being far too (ice)broody or similar to each other. But there are definitely some standouts, so let’s hear what we’ve got!
Eagle Flight
By far, this is the huge breakout hit of the Icebrood Saga. It’s a fantastic piece of music, period, hitting all of those epic beats with rapid percussion, rising strings, and a soaring spirit. The violin coming in on top of it is the cherry to this perfect sundae.
The Fall
If “Eagle Flight” has a counterweight, it’s “The Fall,” a darker yet no less intriguing entry. At first, it sounds like it’s going to be one of those consistently dour enterprises, but before too long, beauty and hope are layered on top of it. I thought it sounded like a slowed down and subdued tribal theme.
The Wild’s Presence 3
What a great way to create an audioscape that lends the feeling of making one’s way through the untamed wilderness! You’re kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop throughout this entire track, as it does push the tension high. It works well as both an eerie theme and an ambient track.
Raven Lens
Speaking of ambient, “Raven Lens” is almost pure mood without any melody or significant shift. It creates this isolation-in-crystal setting that would work pretty well for a short moment or cutscene in which something magical was happening.
Vision of the Past
The drums of war and the bells of… erm, determination wrestle for prominence in this piece. It’s a world-weary tune that’s striking as it is sort of sad. I liked it quite a bit.