Tribes 3 Rivals promises a business model that has learned from past monetization mistakes


Near as we can figure, there are two types of players learning that the venerable Tribes FPS franchise is coming back in the form of Tribes 3 Rivals: those who were excited for this nostalgic shooter, and those who recall the monetization problems of Tribes Ascend. If you fall into that latter camp, then you might be heartened by what Hi-Rez’s Prophecy Games has to say in an interview, which leads off with monetization details.

Tribes 3 will be buy-to-play at a box price of $20, with weapons, perks, and abilities available to everyone from the start, along with cosmetics like emotes, items, and voice packs that will be available either for purchase in a cash shop or unlocked via gameplay in some cases. “We made some mistakes in how we monetized Ascend in the past, and have learned from them,” Prophecy admits.

Other details revealed in the piece include plans for casual and ranked matches as well as custom matches and modes, reaffirmation of plans to allow 64-player matches, support for user-generated content, and plans to introduce vehicles somewhere in the future. Fans are going to have to wait until sometime next year for Tribes 3 to jetski back on to their screens, but perhaps these initial details will mend some broken bridges.

source: PC Gamer
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