You can’t walk into Mordor, but you can download a new mini-expansion for Lord of the Rings Online today — provided that you’ve purchased it.
Update 34: Before the Shadow goes live today with the Mossward village starter experience, two new low-level zones, an alternate leveling track for the first chunk of the game, the Doom of Caras Gelebren skirmish, huge changes to how players acquire class traits, optional session play quests, 40 additional missions, and a raft of class and PvP changes.
Another big feature of the update for high-level players is the delving system, which initially will be applied to missions: “Delvings are an exciting new system we are adding with the release of 40 new missions in Before the Shadow where the player chooses the difficulty they want to attempt and where their risk is matched by their reward. Succeed or fail, you can still try again without fear. Delvings are restricted to 10 attempts per day to ensure the longevity of the system.”
SSG said that it’s also going to be adding a scaling instance called Sarch Vorn, the Black Grave sometime “soon.”